Osteopathy is a manual therapy that works to restore the structure and function of the body to a state of balance and harmony. It gets to the origin of the patient’s health problem rather than just treating the symptoms. The osteopath takes a holistic (global) approach to treating the patient by considering his lifestyle and medical history. Osteopathic medicine is an effective treatment for people of all ages (including babies) with physical problems caused by accidents, illness, sports injury, or aging.
Osteopathy is recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) and plays an important role within the modern healthcare system. Osteopathy is drug-free and works to restore the structure and function of the body to a state of balance and harmony (homeostasis), allowing the body to heal itself gradually. Osteopaths work in close collaboration with MD who diagnose and treat illnesses, helping to optimize medical or surgical treatments if needed.
Osteopathy services
At CMI osteopaths treat patients in a room designed with the patient’s comfort in mind equipped with clean dedicated consult-room and state-of-the-art electric adjustable tilt treatment couches. CMI facility has everything needed to receive treatment in a professional, calm, and relaxing environment, at the heart of Ho Chi Minh City.
Our Team
Click on a doctor’s name to see profile
- 2022: Stillness Touch with Charles Ridley. Biodynamic approach
- 2018: The Level Up Initiative. Biopsychosocial approach and pain science
- 2014 to 2015: Paediatric osteopathy, anatomy, embryology and cranial work with Pascale Fauvet, Osteopath
- 2013: Stillness touch with Charles Ridley. Biodynamic osteopathy
- 2012: Niromathé Method
- 2010: Diploma in Osteopathy, Collège Ostéopathique de Provence. Marseille, France. Five years, full-time study
- Since 2024: Osteopath at CMI, HCMC
- 2021 to 2024: Private practice in Gordes, France
- 2020 to 2021: Osteopath at Cavan Osteopathic Clinic in Cavan, Ireland
- 2018 to 2019: Lecturer at OneOsteo Academy, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 2017 to 2019: Osteopath at OneOsteo in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 2012 to 2016: Private practice in Marseille, France
- 2011 to 2012: Private practice in Apt, France
- Pediatric osteopathy
- Cranial osteopathy
- Osteopathy for pregnancy
- Adult osteopathy
Additional Info
Osteopathic medicine
Price for consultation: