If you are pregnant and you are going to transport by air, what medical forms do you need?
Please see below for CMI guidelines on which medical forms may be required for many airlines, such as: American Airlines, Qatar Airways, British Airways, Swiss Airways, Vietnamairlines, Air France, Singapore Airlines. DO NOT HESITATE TO ASK IN CASE YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS.
To avoid unnecessary risks to you and your baby, many airlines recommend that all expectant mothers consult a doctor before booking their ticket and inquire about their fitness to fly the length of the trip they intend to take.
Depending on the stage and circumstances of your pregnancy, you may be required to present certain medical forms before flying.
For your own safety and the well-being of your child, many airlines will not accept expectant mothers who are pregnant from their 36th week or beyond.
• Pregnant women also run a higher risk of developing a deep-vein thrombosis throughout their pregnancy. In view of this, if you are flying while pregnant, we advise you to wear compression stockings to facilitate blood circulation.
• Choose layered and comfortable clothing.
• Walk around from time to time. Reserve an aisle seat so that you may leave your seat with ease.
• Drink often, but avoid carbonated beverages.
• Avoid overly generous portions at mealtimes.
• Attach your seat belt below the abdomen, low on the pelvis.
CMI (Centre Medical International)
30 Pham Ngoc Thach, W. Vo Thi Sau, D.3, HCM City.
028 3827 2366 // [email protected]